Hauptschule Nussdorf-Debant
Pestalozzistraße 4  | 9990 Debant
Tel.: 04852/64375
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It is situated at the end of the so called „Valley of Debant“. And you can find the whole village on a large, flat scree consisting of stones and mud that was brouhgt out of the valley by the river through centuries.

Prof. Rudolf Egger found the early Christian cemetery church of Agunt, a Roman settlement. Prof. Erich Swoboda succeeded in digging out some Roman buildings on the east side of the river of Debant in the years 1931 – 1933.

Since 1950 these excavations have been continued at a larger extend up to our days constantly.




Aguntum 2

The numbers of population increased abaout three times during the last 30 years. In these days Debant is going to become the third largest municipality of Eastern Tyrol as concerns its inhabitants.

This development is due to its advantageous traffic connections and large, free areas for private people and   business enterprises that like settle down here.

Opposite Debant, on the other side of the valley, one can see the so called "LIENZER DOLOMITEN", which raise up almost 300 meters.

Experienced alpinists and mountain climbers can practice their abilities here.




In 1065 the name "Nuzdorf" was mentioned for the first time in a document.

The village Nussdorf has 1008 inhabitants.

Nussdorf consists of Unternussdorf, which is situated at the foot of Mount Nussdorf, 3 km east of Lienz (713 m altitude), and the settlements Mitterberg and Hochberg at Mountain Nussdorf.





Tourism wasn’t as important as industry and especially with the settlement of numerous companies in and around Debant the prosperity of the community grew and with it its number of  population.

Nowadays agriculture is becoming less important as more and more people settled down in this district. Most of its inhabitants are working in the nearby firms and shopping centres.


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