Hauptschule Nussdorf-Debant
Pestalozzistraße 4  | 9990 Debant
Tel.: 04852/64375
Presentation of schools
Culture part
Questionnaires for students
Culture in the region
Festival of culture and sport
The magic of football
Idols and football teams
Joint calendar
Lesson plans in web-quest
Pictures from our meetings
Pupil´s exchange

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"Great is the joy with which children made the bag for the day of" Pão por Deus", beyond placing the dried fruits of the season, and sweets, and rehearse their songs."

On the day the childrens bring the bag to school and some dried fruit. Then they begin to share its fruits with colleagues and will fill the bag of bread-by-God.

It's an initiative that is commendable, because children learn from small to share and live together in society, putting aside the sense of individualism, in which we live today.



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